In Search Of Meaning
The greatest task for any person is
to find meaning inhis or her own life.
-Victor Frankl
Tags: art therapy, ask, autobiography, cartoon, change, concept, concept art, concept artist, conceptual, conceptual art, contemplate, creativity, creator, diarist, diary, digital art, emotional literacy, explore, identity, inquiry, inquisitive, insight, journal, journaling, life, life lesson, meaning, memoir, mental health, mental wellness, microstory, my journal, mystery, personal growth, ponder, purpose, question, question mark, quote, reach, reflection, remix art, remix artist, search, seeker, self expression, self help, story, therapy, transformation, Viktor Frankl, visual diarist, visual diary, visual memoir, visual story, visual storyteller, wellbeing, wellness, why, why am I here, wonder, writer