Moment of Clarity
There’s nothing quite as intense as the moment of clarity.
When you suddenly see what’s really possible for you.
Christine Kane
Tags: aha, art therapy, autobiography, cartoon, cartoonist, change, Christine Kane, clarity, comic, comics, concept art, concept artist, conceptual art, confusion, creativity, creator, daily cartoon, diarist, diary, digital art, editorial, editorial cartoon, editorial cartoonists, editorial cartoons, emotional literacy, eureka, get clear, identity, illustration, illustrator, inside head, insight, journal, journaling, life, life lesson, mashup, memoir, mental health, mental wellness, microstory, my journal, personal growth, quote, reflection, remix art, remix artist, self expression, self help, story, therapy, transformation, visual diarist, visual diary, visual memoir, visual story, visual storyteller, webcomic, wellbeingness, wellness, wisdom, writer